The 2nd of August 2019 was a busy day for BOL. When the bulk of the employees attended the Lephepe event, some represented the Company at the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security Community Service Day in Kgomodiatshaba. The main objective of the day was to assist the less privileged in the community. This is in line with the Office of the President’s request for Government Ministries to lend a helping hand towards the needy members of the community.
At this event, BOL donated text books to the tune of P3 800.00. The books included English, Setswana, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Agriculture and Religious Education. BOL had the opportunity to brand and exhibit for further interact with the pupils and the members of the community. Representing BOL were Mr. Mmelesi (BOL Head of ICT), Mr. Mpofu (Head of New Ventures) and Mr. Mosesane representing Marketing.
Both the Lephepe and Kgomodiatshaba events gave BOL brand exposure