General Information

BOL procurement philosophy

Botswana Oil Limited subscribes to the overarching principle guiding public procurement in Botswana. The principle provides a guide for public bodies to undertake procurement in an efficient, cost effective, fair, transparent and equitable manner.

Who can tender?

All suppliers whether based in Botswana or externally can tender for provision of goods and services to BOL. In accordance with BOL’s procurement process suppliers are required to register with BOL in order to have access to procurement opportunities.

What does BOL procure?

In order to achieve the company mandate of ensuring security and efficiency of supply of petroleum products for Botswana, BOL procurement includes the acquisition of petroleum products as well as dry goods and services.

How does BOL advertise tenders?

BOL generally advertises tenders for goods and services in the local print media. In some instances, advertising can be flighted in external print media. 

How does BOL select suppliers?

BOL selects suppliers through a call for quotations or tendering process.


Quotations are requested from approved suppliers for all goods and services valued below BWP 500,000.


Tenders are requested from approved suppliers or from the general public for all goods and services valued above BWP 500,000.

What is the criteria used to determine the supplier to be awarded the contract in the procurement of goods and services?

The criteria for the award of the tender is always prescribed in the tender document. Generally, consideration for award is made on the basis of the capability of the bidder to meet the required specifications as well as reasonable pricing.

Can tenders be submitted by email or telefax following an open/restricted procedure?

You may not submit a tender by email or telex following an open/restricted procedure. The offer has to be submitted in strict accordance with the instruction concerning the presentation of proposals by tenderers. Only in exceptional circumstances, approved by the Head of Procurement, can offers be submitted by email and/or telefax.

How can one request a copy of a call for tender documentation?

Follow the instructions given in the notice of a call for tenders in order to request a copy of a call for tender documentation.

Where are tenders submitted?

Tenders are to be submitted at the Botswana Oil Limited Head Office located at plot 54373, Petroleum House, Matante Mews, Central Business District (CBD), Gaborone, Botswana.

How can one register as a supplier?

Suppliers can register with Botswana Oil Limited by completing the online Supplier Registration Form. To assist potential applicants prepare for submission, the BOL Procurement Department recommends that those intending to register review the BOL Supplier Registration Checklist for guidance.



Dec 12, 2024
Petroleum Product Retail Pump Prices Adjustments (December 2024)
Oct 10, 2024
Launch of the Francistown Depot Gantry
Sep 11, 2024
Petroleum Product Retail Pump Prices Adjustments (September 2024)


What is the meaning of the BOL logo ?

In developing the Botswana Oil Limited brand, the country of origin was taken into account as this company is for Batswana. The importance of rain to Botswana is widely known and appreciated. Oil, on the other hand, is a lesser understood commodity, it is to this end that the logo includes:

Head Office

Head Office, Plot 54373, Petroleum House, Matante Mews, Gaborone CBD, Botswana

Private Bag BO 173
Bontleng Gaborone

Gaborone Depot

Plot 1229, Haile Selassie Road Gaborone, Botswana

  • T:  +267 3999 400
  • F:  +267 3185 615

Francistown Depot

Plot 1107, Dumela Industrial Francistown, Botswana

  • T: +267 3999 444
  • F: +267 24700 66
