Botswana Oil Limited engaged Mogobane Junior School and showcased its various services and products as well as the various careers that are relevant to the oil and gas industry. Led by the Head of Human Capital Ms. Julia Batlhoki, was the BOL delegation comprised of staff members from the various functions of the Company. The career fair took place on the 30th of April 2019 at Mogobane Community Junior Secondary School in Mogobane Village. The fair was a Community Outreach Project organised by the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security.
In a keynote address, the Ministry representative indicated that the Ministry has under its wing, various companies and parastatals responsible for exploration, mining, distribution of minerals and energy resources which our economy is highly dependent on. She urged the students to engage with all the organisations present highlighting Botswana Oil, Botswana Energy Regulatory Authority, Department of Energy, Department of Mines, Botswana Geoscience Institute and their roles in the industry.
The Ministry’s officer responsible for the youth, Ms. Kagiso Keoagile encouraged the students to stay focused on their studies since the unemployment rate is worrisome in country. She further advised young girls to get into the engineering field which is currently male dominated.