On the 2nd of November 2020, Botswana Oil Limited (BOL) painted the Village of Lephepe with its blue and lime dominant colours as the Company officially handed the netball court to Lephepe Primary School. Lephepe village is in Kweneng District, approximately one hundred and eighty kilometers (180km) from Gaborone. In 2018, Botswana Oil adopted Lephepe Primary School, following the adoption, BOL and the school management identified opportunities for the overall improvement of the school’s performance both academically and in non-collegiate activities. From this, a plan of action for the implementation of the identified initiatives was developed. Top on the list was the acquisition of printers, construction of netball court, volleyball, and tennis court. Thus far, BOL donated sixty (60) pairs of school shoes, two printers, tonners, netball balls, volleyball balls, goalposts, and netball baskets. On the day, the school did not only receive the pitch, but Botswana Oil Limited also gave out two hundred sanitizers, masks, a sanitizer stand, and some collaterals for the teachers and the community.